Saturday, December 17, 2022

DESTRUCTION BY DUPLICATION - Creating A Duplicate False Human Reality

            I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and he’s like — Yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.” 


Elon Musk is not alone in his apprehensions of the digital. Futurist Gerd Leonhard brings up the demonic metaphor for the digital world when he talks about the “faustian bargain between us and Facebook”. Niharika Singh asks, “Are we creating a digital satan?” while Forbes asks, “Have marketers struck a devil’s bargain with AI? The meme of artificial-intelligence-as-diabolical-fiend is too common to be random.”

“Artificial intelligence is a changeling, replacing what we thought was a human, with an uncanny replica.”
(from an article from Medium website)

LInk to article on BecomingHuman

If you read the article in the link above, it ‘analyses’ whether A.I. is demonic or not, from only a metaphorical viewpoint. Not anywhere in the above article does it do any hard-core analysis of demonic involvement in the A.I. system with reference to logos, ritual magick, sigils, or hidden dark connections to the satanic.

To do that, the writer would need actual experience with the demonic. And that is not something that most people have. They talk about the demonic being metaphorical yet allow their children to watch movies like Harry Potter where they show children being indoctrinated into ritualistic black magyck. They do not study ritual magyck, nor see any kind of representations of the demonic in our real current world.  You would need many years of study to enable you to discuss those elements. To see what is not easily evident to others. It mentions that the demonology in A.I. is ambiguous, and only amplifies our fear.

What they are saying is, ‘it's all ok. It's just your emotions & wild imagination. Nothing else. So go back to sleep. There are no demons. Lol. 

Well, no more is the demonic ambiguous. We know who has been pulling the hidden strings of human life and spirituality. We have already connected the binary digital system with the demonic in a previous post on this blog:


Now we shall see the connections between Artificial Intelligence & the Demonic.

Watch these two trailers below. What are the similarities between these two movies?

The Peripheral Season 1 2022 - Official Trailer 

Avatar | Official Trailer (2009)


Assuming you have seen both movies, you will know that both end in a similar vein.

In the series THE PERIPHERAL, Chloe’s character eventually leaves her body and enters the virtual persona created for her. Her original physical body is destroyed or killed (not shown in the movie, only hinted at.) 
The same goes for the AVATAR (2009) movie. Jake Sully prefers to remain in his avatar, and his body is supposedly disposed of.

Here are some movie trivia I picked up regarding the ending of the first AVATAR movie:

" Q - So, where is the body of the hero, human-turned-Na’vi-ally Jake Sully (Sam Worthington)? Has it just been chilling in a pod for the past 14 years?
A- Though avatars are remotely controlled by humans, it is possible—with the help of the Na’vi who can channel their deity, Eywa, through the Tree of Souls—for a human to transfer their consciousness permanently into an avatar body.
At the end of Avatar 1, Sully decides he wants to remain with the Na’vi, and successfully undergoes the transfer. It’s never stated in the films what happened to his body, but in the comic Avatar: The Next Shadow, it’s revealed that the Na’vi buried his human form.

The strange fact is that both movies never show the destruction of the original body. They are only hinted at. I guess for the sake of aesthetics.

If movies predicted 911 PRIOR to September 11, don’t you think that films continue to predict the future even now? Or do you think that that phenomenon ended with 911?

So that is the prediction. Eventually, A.I. will replace humanity and destroy the original version. I'm sure there are other movies that show the same theme. You may take this as a prediction or silly conspiracy theory stuff. 

The choice is yours.

What does the Bible say about duplicates disguising themselves as the original? (Although I must tell you that I personally do not trust in any religion and only look at scriptures for historical input, especially regarding the dark dimensional entities.)

2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

2 Thessalonians 2:1–4 NRSV (1989)
Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be God.

1 John 2:22 NRSV (1989)
Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

(If you believe the Biblical story, then the above quote is saying that the Devil is creating a duplicate framework by denying the original Godliness. This denial lays the foundation to creating the false reality.)

In this article, I talk about how A.I. could be demonic, kontrolled, and operated by the Devil. 
In order to research this, I went through a dozen articles on what people thought about the demonization of A.I. or A.I as a possible tool for the demonic. 

Obviously, none of them did. The few that did, only mention that demons don’t exist and that all evil is just projections of our own personality. That dark and light are within us, and we create the devil and the angels. The usual blah blah you encounter when you see mainstream struggling to explain the demonic to a population that eats junk food and believes that wearing masks & social distancing wards off disease. Lol. 

Reason is, mainstream thinking ignores the obvious, the hidden. Anything that can take people out of their comfort zone of the mind. Nobody writes mainstream articles about how many movies prior to 911 predicted the falling towers event. Only conspiracy channels discuss this. No mainstream article talks about how the folded dollar bills show the falling towers in sequence. This really is not comfort zone material. 
Because in order to talk about this, they need to enter the rabbit hole. 
Which they won’t. 
The result is the populace remains perennially dumb as ever.

So here we are. 
And here we go. 
Talking about stuff that goes bump in the darkness of your mind, that nobody talks about. 
People don’t write about the demonic because they have pretty little awareness or experience with demons and the Devil. The ones that do have experience and talk about it, are ignored as ‘the crazies'.. 

To cut to the chase, here’s the core message of this post:

The real agenda of the Devil is to destroy what ‘God’ created, and instill his own version of life, in his ideas, according to his agenda. To this end, the Devil will first dismantle your spiritual armor, then create a quasi-real, duplicate world that will look real but will be false, fake, and evil. This fake world will slowly strip humanity out of its original spiritual kernel and replace it with a duplicate evil framework. This fake duplicate world will also be easy to kontrol from the demonic realm.

At this point in time, we live in, our spiritual armor has already been dismantled. The fake spinning globe Earth model (disconnecting us from our real-world awareness, and installing a false one), religion replacing your real connections to the spiritual, the fake science, the fake history, fluoride destroying our pineal gland, drugs destroying our bodies, junk food destroying our health, media destroying our values, education robbing us of our intelligence…........ 
Step by step, over the centuries, the Devil has worked relentlessly to destroy our spirituality.

Now he is working on creating a duplicate life form for humans.

All current black technology is geared toward creating a false reality. Metaverses, Virtual Reality, A.I. (why do you need your intelligence when you have artificial intelligence?) This duplicate world will eventually destroy humanity. Fraudulent pharma medicines, synthetic tech, 5G microwave towers, Synthesized DNA, AI-controlled robots.

At the beginning of this process, the intellectuals will talk about the philosophical questions raised by A.I. technology and its implications on human life. Cut to a few decades into the future we will have what the Chinese are experiencing today, but 10X the strength in surveillance & malevolence. By then it will be too late to stop this. In case you think this is fiction I can show you a dozen photos of empty city streets during the pandemic. People can be slowly made to believe in whatever the Devil wants them to believe.
Unless we wake up.

An essay on the philosophy of artificial intelligence

A.I. can be beneficial. Yes. But given the history of the Devil, I think A. I will eventually turn out to be demonic and destructive. It will not be a question of HOW we use A.I. It will be more a question of whether we will eventually have the ability to CHOOSE how we treat or use A.I.

Did you have a choice of not wearing a mask? Did you have a choice of not getting vaxxinated? No? Same thing. In the future, you may not be allowed to decide how you choose to deal with A.I. or to question A.I. In the future all A.I. will become our overlords. Future A.I. will bypass human control and take over our lives, and …………our minds. 

A.I will recognize your face in a crowd, 
A.I. will fine you for breaking a law, 
A.I. will block your digital money for not paying the fine, 
A.I. will decide how far you should be allowed to travel, 
A.I. will decide whether you should be allowed to own a car, 
A.I. will decide to block your ‘smart’ car from moving, and 
A.I. will decide what benefits you should be allowed.

And THAT is just the start. Eventually, our bodies will be duplicated, and the original human DNA will be destroyed. Earth will end up a planet of synthetic life forms that were once human. Watch the movie “THE LAST MIMZY” to get an idea of what it will be like.

Welcome to the future!

THE LAST MIMZY - 2007 Trailer

Because "YOU" will cease to exist, and something else will take your place !!!

My take on A.I is that eventually it will be used as a control tool for the demonic.

None of the crappy Jesuit establishment platforms have really benefited humanity. Not governments, not medicine, or mainstream media. These are just brain-wash platforms for the dark forces to operate safely within society. 

So why do we expect A.I. to be a boon to humanity in the future?

A.I. hints at trying to create "better and bigger" virtual reality worlds, where they claim that it will be as lifelike and real as anything we can see. But really? Isn’t our world already REAL? And it will always be more beautiful than anything the AI can create.

Metaverses are offered up as a valued service for people to either shop or interact with places & people that are far away. But this is the lure. The agenda is to replace your real world with a synthetic one. The same way they are trying to create a synthetic bio-human, with synthetic DNA.

Example: the A.I. world will offer a virtual experience for let’s say, a new estate you want to buy. But isn’t it better to go there, meet real people, and shake their hands? Using a VR world is robbing you of essential real-world interaction with people. Socializing is being replaced by a screen. Psychologically, humans live a healthier life by meeting & interacting with real people. Socializing is healthy & psychologically nourishing. Wearing masks and isolating ourselves can destroy our lives. We need to hug people, hug trees and hug animals and get sunshine, air, water, exercise, and get good food. Community living is the healthiest. What AI is doing is replacing the real-world community lifestyle with a fake false virtual digital world.

In order to comprehend the material presented here, there are a few other earlier posts on this blog that you need to read, if you haven't.


Here are four crucial points to remember:

1. We live in a spiritual universe.

2. Within this spiritual, positive universe, are sub-dimensional dark, evil & negative vibrations.

3. These sub-dimensional entities use mind energy to control life above their vibrational spectrum and feed themselves off our spiritual grid.

4. Their aim is to disconnect us from our true reality, and our understanding of our own nature & connections, and to constrain us for their own agenda & energy requirements.

Understanding the above four points is of primary importance.

Without this understanding, you will always wander aimlessly in a maze in the rabbit hole. Trying to understand the ‘Illuminati’, or the Freemasons, or the Satanic secret societies will not lead you anywhere unless you realize that we live in a spiritual state of being. For example: blaming pharmaceutical criminality on the corporates will do you no good unless you understand the true origin of these evil frameworks. And the true origin of all the problems in this world is in the demonic. And its nature is the negative-demonic. A dark force that wants to destroy your spirituality. The spiritual universe consists of 7 realms. The demonic entities originate from the lowest of these 7 realms. And they use their dark nature & agenda to kontrol humanity. Here is a graphic that illustrates this:

You may not see spiritual connections in most aspects of your life, but spending some time to analyze certain areas of your life can open your mind to your spiritual nature. 

For example, most people see corporate entities to be machine-like. But corporates are made up of people, therefore the laws of spirituality apply to them too, and they are enormously manipulate-able and easy to possess and animate by the demonic realm.

To understand this, let's take three corporate logos. APPLE, VAIO, & NVIDIA.

Do you see the similarities in all three of these tech logos in terms of their spiritual implications?

All three deal with temptations.

All three are influenced by the demonic.


The Apple logo represents temptation. The story of Adam & Eve yielding to temptation and eating the forbidden fruit. We all know that friend who MUST buy that new iPhone. Therefore, products made by Apple are very ‘tempting”. And this temptation is being used by the demonic to control people's life. The 7 deadly sins gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, envy, pride, and wrath, are encapsulated under the taxonomy of temptations.


The VAIO logo too is similar to the APPLE logo. It's the story of Adam & Eve & the forbidden fruit. There are other hidden elements in that logo which we discussed in the digitizing post:


Now, the NVIDIA logo needs some explanation to understand. There are certain hidden aspects that most people do not see, that need to be made clear.

Let's dive in:

What do we see here?

An eye, in the form of a spiral, seemingly emerges from a dark square.

The word NVIDIA.

NV = ENVY.  ENVY too is one of the temptations. The color GREEN is associated with ENVY.


· a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

· Desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable thing belonging to (someone else).

In fact, Nvidia themselves do not hide the fact that their logo name implies envy. “Green with envy” is the name of an Nvidia system utility that provides information, controls fans, and overclocks the NVidia card.

GreenWithEnvy – system utility providing information, control fans and overclock NVIDIA cards
GreenWithEnvy is a GTK system utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA video card
and graphics processor.

But the ‘ENVY’ that is alluded to here, is not merely the envy of people envying the resources of another, who has a better & more powerful gadget.

The ENVY here is the envy the DEVIL has for humanity. It is said the Devil has an ocean of NEGATIVE ENERGIES: RAGE, ANGER, FURY, GREED, ENVY, PRIDE, VINDICTIVENESS, WRATH, you name it, the Devil is full of it. In gigantic proportions, compared to the ones experienced by humans.  Down in the hell realms, dark emotions and attributes are mega-sized. So fury, anger, retribution, jealousy, envy, all these are experienced in MEGA proportions.

The square has more green than the part of the spiral that is in the white area. So envy also refers to ‘demonic envy’. The envy of the Devil for the superior spiritual nature of humanity. Something he hates creation for, and something he dearly wants to see destroyed for all time.

The ENVY of the DEVIl for humanity is huuuge. Humans are spiritually higher beings than the Devil. Humans are beautiful. This makes the Devil GREEN WITH ENVY.

This envy fuels the desire on the part of the Devil to destroy humanity.

Why then, you may ask, should the Devil go to extraordinary lengths to destroy humanity by hoodwinking them? Why not just kill us all in one go and be done with it? Lol.

Because humans have a spiritual armor protecting us. There are spiritual firewalls in place that prevent this. Also the Devil has a lot to lose in terms of ENERGY if he destroys humanity in one go. The demonic need ENERGY to operate in different realms. And the major source of this ENERGY is the human spiritual aura. Making people go to places of worship and channeling all our spiritual energies to whatever deity or idol, the Devil has placed there is like giving the demonic free food. The slow and steady method of slow but continous manipulation, is a WIN for the Devil. 

The name NVIDIA comes from INVIDIA.

Note the words in RED:
"Envy is the vice most associated with witches and magic. The witch's protruding tongue alludes to Ovid's Invidia who has a poisoned tongue. The witch and Invidia share a significant feature – the Evil eye. The term invidia stems from the Latin invidere, "to look too closely". One type of the aggressive gaze is the "biting eye", often associated with envy, and reflects the ancient belief that envy originates from the eyes.
In the allegorical mythography of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the three heads of Cerberus sometimes represent three kinds of Invidia.
In Late Gothic and Renaissance iconography, Invidia is personified invariably as a woman. Cesare Ripa's influential Iconologia (Rome, 1603) represented Invidia with a serpent coiled round her breast and biting her heart, "to signify her self-devouring bitterness; she also raises one hand to her mouth to show she cares only for herself"
The name of the Nvidia Corporation comes from Invidia in Roman mythology.

Envy. Invidia. Circa 1670

Invidia is also the name of one of Final Fantasy XV's many battle themes.

Looking at the logo in black and white, you see a spiral in the shape of an EYE, emerging out of a dark square. The eye is 'emerging' because the pointy tip is out of the square box , facing OUTSIDE the black box, and not INSIDE.

It seems to be shifting color-shape going from WHITE to BLACK as it emerges. This is a symbol of 'inter-dimensional'. BLACK & WHITE, as we saw in the post about digitizing humanity, represents the black demonic dimension and white represents the human dimension.

Also the 'EYE' which is WHITE inside the DARK box, becomes DARK OUTSIDE the dark box. The EYE that was WHITE & VISIBLE .....INSIDE the box, is now BLACK and 'INVISIBLE. Suggesting that for the occupants of that white-realm, the 'EYE' will be INVISIBLE!

Getting it?

Next, the EYE is in the form of a "SPIRAL"

What do you associate with an eye that has a spiral? 

HYPNOTISM of course!

A circular spiral also represents an AMMONITE. Also known as a SNAKESTONE.
Ammonites were shelled cephalopods that died out about 66 million years ago. Fossils of them are found all around the world, sometimes in very large concentrations.The fossilised remains of ammonites were given the name snakestones in England because they resemble coiled snakes turned to stone.

AMUN , also Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amen-Ra; ancient Egyptian: was a big time ancient Egyptian deity who appears as a member of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad.
This is Zeus Amon. Most narratives based on myths may not be precise. There maynt be too many horned 'gods' around. So this most likely refers to PAN , who is the Devil.
"In the mystery cults of the highly syncretic Hellenistic era, Pan is made cognate with Phanes/Protogonos, Zeus, Dionysus and Eros." 
So the spiral snake-Ammonite refers to PAN who is also the Devil. 

Stepping back and looking at the logo again, we have a spiral hypnotizing eye that belongs to PAN or the Devil that is influencing the WHITE human realm from the depths of the dark Hell realm.
Devil is the "God" of the underworld. So this is a DARK DIVINITY.
NVIDIA in reverse is "AIDIVN". 
"A.I. DIVN" which is DIVINE A.I. !
Meaning the kind of artificial intelligence we are being introduced to is a DARK Intelligence born out of a dark divinity. 


The spiral has a movement, which if you observe closedly is ANTI-CLOCKWISE.
Most religions observe circumambulation rituals around their places of worship. In Hinduism, the circumambulation is CLOCKWISE. Same goes for ritual circumambulations in BUDDHISM. A clockwise circumambulation is considered divine. 
Therefore an ANTI-CLOCKWISE circumambulation means moving in the opposite way. 
Toward a dark divinity.



"sinister" –( adjective)
: singularly evil or productive of evil
: accompanied by or leading to disaster
: presaging ill fortune or trouble
: of, relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it
: of ill omen by reason of being on the left

"The spiral symbol came from the idea of a “stairway” to heaven. This concept was crucial to both magic and the Kabbalah, in the form of mazes that have existed in antiquity. These “pathways” in maze-form were believed to have existed at the British Godshill (on the Isle of Wight) and Glastonbury Tor (in Somerset)."

In the quote below note the references to SEVEN. Hinting at the 7 realms of spirituality.

"The one found at the latter is estimated to have been there for around 5,000 years. Crusaders entered through the side of the hill, going first in a clockwise and then in a counter-clockwise direction, reaching up the sacred apex in about 7 full circuits. The 4,500-year-old Silbury Hill in Wiltshire is likewise composed of 7 terraces.
The sacred apex of the original Tower of Babel, dubbed as the Etemenanki or the “Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth,” was reached also by an upward seven-tier spiral path."

"This septenary spiral was interpreted as the “center of the world” symbol in the mythical Tibetan kingdom of Shambhala. It was used as a reminder of Shambhala’s once-dominant position as a seat of knowledge and wisdom."

So within the spiritual unvierse, pathways can be found to influence other realms. In the case of Earth, the demon realms influence us via MIND-KONTROL. They constrain your true knowledge and create DUPLICATES of everything. 
This is includes Spiritual Knowledge, Universal knowledge, Scientific knowledge etc, All the educational platforms we have are false, they are duplicates. 
This is the process in which they create a FALSE & DUPLICATE WORLD for us to live in. 
You know it from its other name, namely THE MATRIX.

The anti-clockwise spiral is a VORTEX. The vortex has energy and it sucks you into the darkness. Eventually, A.I. will suck humanity into the vortex of darkness, as predicted in the movies.

To put it simply, the process in which they create a duplicate life is to constrain our energies, spiritual or otherwise, and to create false bodies of knowledge, and lately by the means of BLACK TECHNOLOGIES. 

Its not just corporate logos that connect to the spiritual. Black technology and devices we use today all look like black portals to the demonic. All devices like mobile phones, TVs, laptops, computers, look BLACK when switched off. Coincidence?

Here’s what the creator of the BLACK MIRROR series on Netflix, Charlie Brooker has to say:

“Everyone and their mother is hooked on the Netflix show BLACK MIRROR, which just debuted its fourth season, but not all realize what its sinister AF title refers to. Creator Charlie Brooker explained its double meaning in an interview with The Guardian in 2014, but a lot of people seem to have missed it.

He revealed, “Any TV, any LCD, any iPhone, any iPad—something like that—if you just stare at it, it looks like a black mirror, and there’s something cold and horrifying about that, and it was such a fitting title for the show.”

The title literally translates to the “black mirror” you see on your electronics’ screens when they’re powered down, but its meaning runs deeper. 

The premise of the series is that technology can mirror and even magnify the ugliest (blackest) aspects of human nature, evidenced by social-media witch hunts and a desperation for constant “likes” and public approval. “

So the BLACK MIRROR reflects. Yes. But since it is a BLACK MIRROR, it reflects your life, your face...... in a DARK way

The black mirror can only reflect the DARK version of you and your life!

Would you like to press the "like" button on your black mirror to approve?

And you see this black mirror everyday. When you wake up with your black mobile phone, when you switch on your black tv.

Note these words and terms used in our current computer and internet technology: ethernet (ethereal, an unworldly spiritual place beyond the earth, computer software daemons, port, installation ‘wizards’. You need to ‘download’ a program, which then ‘installs’ in your computer. Much like the legion of demons installing themselves into a child who has been sodomized. 

Study this post on this blog to understand:


The process of creating a duplicate world began centuries ago.

Its still ongoing, and unfolding before you everyday.

We need to destroy the matrix. 

Before it destroys us.

Peace & Love



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