Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Mysteries of the Gleason Flat Earth Map scale

Most of us have seen the Gleason map. Also the curious scale that seems to be torn off at the 33 latitude. It appears to be torn off at 33° , but actually it is torn somewhere at 25°. But on first glance it seems to be at 33°. This seems to be a deliberate act by somebody (probably Gleason himself) to convey a message. If you consider the 90° angle of the scale edges, you get an arrow, which seems to be pointing at......Egypt.


The obvious answers points to the Jesuit-Freemasons angle. The Freemason symbol also has a 90° angle to it.

This picture of the torn off scale is trying to tell us something about the Flat earth.

The curious cut-off stub on the Gleason map scale

There are other mysteries hidden in the Gleason map. The two triangular notches at the top seem to be pointing to something. The two videos below attempts at explaining this:

Gleason Flat Earth Map Triangle

Flat Earth - Hidden Message In Gleason Map?


  1. The arm is broken at 27 degrees...not 33!

  2. Yes , I noticed that. But methinks this was deliberate. If it was broken off at 33° exactly nobody would notice. But since at first glance it looks like 33° and not 25°, I guess this may have been a hint of sorts.

  3. Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.

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