Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Since humans were always under the kontrol of a hidden Zionist/Satanic rule, almost all the things in our lives were 'forced' onto us, without us being aware of it. Our 'science', our philosophy, our schools, our morals, our goals, our media, our entertainment. And our governments.

Governments were designed by the Devil, using Zionists, like most everything, and was placed in all countries with a backdoor Kontrol. Meaning your government was compromised the day it was installed.

Today, the plandemic hoax has awoken a huge percentage of people in the world to the reality of our fake existence. Although 'conspiracy' researchers were aware of the truth for decades, its only now that Joe on the street is opening his eyes.

I will not be discussing the how why and where this came about. There are posts on this blog that discuss this. Today we examine how to survive a compromised evil government.

When the evil government trespasses on your life, its because they know that:

> you are pretty much exposed to kontrol of all sorts, that 

> you are not armed, that

> you do not have a support community group to protect you.

> that you may not have immediate access to legal protection.

So, it's imperative that we form local community groups. Start with a 100 strong community. This is achievable. Make sure that your community has access to :

> a private security team
> legal counsel.
> a team of monitoring volunteers, preferably in a room with networked hardware & software.

1. How to deal with forced vaccinations:

When they come to your house to force you to get vaccinated, alert your team, and they should be at your house at short notice. The legal and security team will prevent the government forces from vaccinating you.

Do this for all other sorts of governmental oppression.
Gradually increase your community strength from 100 to 1000. Incorporate all kinds of professionals into your group. Political, Scientific, Medical, Legal, Security, and others.

If every region in the world can do this, then we will have some kind of basic protection from the government & their fascist moves.

Remember a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT is absolutely and purely corruptible and hence very dangerous to the life of humans.

If all countries can do this, then all governments CAN be DISSOLVED, and a new system of secure administration can be installed. So instead of taking orders from some inbred, devil-worshipping wealthy maggots, we will be designing our own lives. 

Make sure a country is made up of SEPARATE COMMUNITIES, with different currencies and laws. Its the UNIFICATION of money and laws that facillitates KONTROL. 

Please read this post on this blog:

Let's make way for a better future for our children.

Love and Peace

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