Monday, May 20, 2019


Anyone who has examined the 911 event from a conspiracy viewpoint has come across the strange comparison of the 911 event to a few Tarot cards, especially the TOWER Tarot card. (XVI). The card, no matter how ancient the Tarot pack you pick, shows a burning tower with lightning striking it and people jumping off. You may have seen the pictures of people jumping off the burning WTC towers on 911. 
What gives? Was it a coincidence? 
Or was it deliberate?
Knowing who did the 911 event you will, of course, pick the latter. It was deliberate. Everything from the date, to the way the events spun out, was deliberate. 

We are going to try to answer three pertinent questions. 
1. Why did the Jesuits base the 911 events on the Tarot cards?
2. What is the connection?
3. How ancient are the Tarot cards?

First I need to show you that indeed the 911 WTC event was modeled after the Tarot card, in particular, one or two or three Tarot cards.
After that, we will examine the connection the Jesuits/Illuminati/Zionists have with these Tarot cards.

Here is the TOWER Tarot card:
This card is from one of the most ancient Tarot decks available on record. The VISCONTI-SFORZA deck:

Note the billowing smoke & the face that looks like a black Sun , and the people jumping off the tower. Compare it to this image from 911. You have billowing smoke, face with Sun-like rays on its crown:

Below you can see a comparison to the more recent Rider-Waite Tarot card.

Here's the falling man from the 911 event compared to the Hanged Man card from the Tarot

Instead of wasting time in analyzing the Tower card anymore, lets cut to the chase. A bit of study will tell you that there is a connection between three aspects: 1.Hermetic Qabalistic magick, 2.the Tarot cards, and 3.Freemasonary. 
Well, here's news for you: they are not three different aspects. They are ONE & the SAME. They are all part of the ancient HERMETIC QABALISTIC MAGICK.

Let's define the Qabalah (from Wikipedia):

Hermetic Qabalah, meaning 'reception, accounting', is a Western esoteric tradition involving mysticism and the occult. It is the underlying philosophy and framework for magical societies such as the Golden Dawn, Thelemic orders, mystical-religious societies such as the Builders of the Adytum and the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, and is a precursor to the Neopagan, Wiccan and New Age movements. The Hermetic Qabalah is the basis for Qliphothic Qabala as studied by left-hand path orders, such as the Typhonian Order.
Link to Hermetic_Qabalah

Hermetic Qabalistic magick is a powerful ancient system of magick, that dates back to Sumeria & the Egyptian civilization,  that can create/manipulate reality according to one's wishes. This magick knowledge is not EVIL per se, it is what exists. It is evil in the sense that as spiritual beings we should probably not use it to manipulate our reality. It may be a boundary of sorts that we are not supposed to cross. I can't confirm for now as we were not handed down a book of rules when we were born. Yes, the holy scriptures admonish you from using revelation or Astrology, but as holy scriptures go, they were written by these self-same masters of Hermetic magick to prevent humans from knowing what was going on, so personally, I don't trust holy scriptures in one form or another. 

The Hermetic philosophy stems from tens of thousands of ancient volumes all attributed to one author: Hermes Trismegistus (Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-greatest Hermes", Mercurius ter Maximus in Latin, “thrice-renowned”)
Quote from >>>
"The Hermetic Books fall into two groups. The first deals with Astrology, Alchemy, etc.; while the others are dialogues describing the soul's regeneration in terms like the Cabala. This is the blasphemous doctrine that man can reach perfection through his own efforts by journeying through the higher spheres of knowledge, then after death, become God. Tradition says the Egyptian mysteries were a key to a complete knowledge of the Universe and man. And this so-called knowledge was preserved in these Hermetic Books which were believed for centuries to be written by Hermes Trismegistus. "
(The books were later called a fraud but methinks this is the same thing they did with the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. Because the text was leaked to the public, they called it FAKE. This is the same thing they are doing today and its called FAKE NEWS.)

So what we call the ILLUMINATI, or the FREEMASONS, or the ZIONISTS are all one and the same. These are people who create and maintain reality according to their own agenda using a powerful Hermetic Magick system that uses Hermetic knowledge, rituals, (baby/human/virgin blood sacrifice) astrology, and political manipulation to unleash this powerful magick onto humanity. Over the years, this Hermetic magick system morphed into different schools, and over the turn of the century, Alistair Crowley used it to formulate his own version. 

Hermetic Qabalah classifies the vibrations of creationary forces into TEN different vibrations. These TEN vibrations are represented in the form of TEN SPHERES on a TREE OF LIFE. The SEPHIROTH. This highest level is number 1 or Kether. The three vertical lines are represented in Freemasonry as the THREE PILLARS. These three pillars can be further condensed into ONE vertical tree having seven vibratory frequencies. This is nothing but the human chakras. The yellow line that zig-zags through the spheres is represented as a bolt of lightning and can be seen on the Tower card as a bolt of lightning striking the tower.:

(Da'at is not always depicted in representations of the sefirot; and could be abstractly considered an "empty slot" into which the germ of any other sefirot can be placed. So there are only TEN spheres in the Sephirot. (Not NINE (9), not ELEVEN(11) , but only TEN. :)) 
In a previous post here on my blog about what happens in our afterlife, I have mentioned how there are SEVEN vibratory realms of life. And how we here on Earth occupy the FOURTH realm. 

So Hermetic Qabalistic Magick is an elaborate system that is aware of the different spiritual realms of existence, from the highest to the lowest, and how to manipulate reality to achieve what the magick practitioner wants to achieve.

How do the Tarot cards fit into this Hermetic Qabalistic Magick?
In fact, how OLD are the Tarot cards? 
A little search on Google will show pages of write-ups that mentions the Tarot cards originated from Arabian card games then was modified when it entered Europe. 
That is not a fact. That is what they want you to think. If the Tarot was just a silly game, why go to elaborate lengths to fashion a 911 ritual after the Tarot cards? 
There is obviously something deeper going on here. 
The Tarot cards are part of the Hermetic Qabalistic Magick already mentioned. They are a representation of the creationary aspects of this magick system. The cards if woven together weave out the 7-day creationary myth. 

To understand how old the Tarot cards are, one needs to study the BEMBINE tablet. An ancient relic collected by a 16th century Cardinal antiquarian called Bembo.
From Wiki:
"The Bembine Tablet, the Bembine Table of Isis or the Mensa Isiaca (Isiac Tablet) is an elaborate tablet of bronze with enamel and silver inlay, most probably of Roman origin but imitating the ancient Egyptian style. It was named in the Renaissance after Cardinal Bembo, a celebrated antiquarian who acquired it after the 1527 sack of Rome. Thereafter it was used by antiquarians to penetrate the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs..."
Link to the Bembine_Tablet

Here's a replication drawing of the Bembine tablet:

Here's a quote from Alistair Crowley:
"The key is that the Card[s] represents the Creation of the World. The Hierarchs held this secret as of transcendent importance." 
-Aleister Crowley, Book of Thoth

Again we have the mention of the Tarot as a representation of the 7-day creation myth. The cards depict a representation of the different STAGES of the creation of life. 
So, in essence, the TAROT cards are ancient Hermetic Qabalistic representations of the creative forces used to create our reality and is used visually to emphasize any form of Qabalistic Magick. 
Let me re-phrase that: The Tarot cards being representations of creation, are used as visual pegs to invoke a reality according to certain magick rituals.

To know the exact nature of these rituals requires one to study Hermetic Qabalistic magick, which usually takes a great many years of deep study. 

Let's compare the Tarot cards to the 7-Day Creation myth.
Personally, I do not think the earth and life on earth were created in 7 days. I mean, who was around then at the time to record this creation? If on the FOURTH DAY God made the SUN & the MOON distinguish night and day, what was time before the creation of the Sun called? "DAYS" would obviously need a SUN to mark time in order to have 24 hours, wouldn't they? So how could the creation of LIGHT & Darkness on the first day have an evening or a night? Confusing?
So the 7-day creation myth is obvious bollocks, but it is used probably as part of Hermetic wisdom to denote the CREATIONARY PROCESS and not TIME.

Let's take a look at the 7-day creationary myth:

WIKI: The Genesis creation narrative is the creation myth of both Judaism and Christianity. The narrative is made up of two stories, roughly equivalent to the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis.

1. Day One: Night & Day
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

2. Day Two: The sky and the sea 
God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

3. Day Three: Land & Vegetation
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

4. Day Four: the stars, the Sun & the Moon:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

5. Day Five: sea creatures and birds:
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

6. Day Six: animals and humans:
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

7. Day Seven: rest:
And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 

Since the Tarot cards are representations of the Creation myth, we should be able to represent the 7 days of creation using Tarot cards. And indeedy we can:
(To look up the esoteric meanings of the major arcana cards, click this link and scroll down to study each card:)
Link to The Meanings of the Major Arcana Cards

Night & Day.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day

The waters above from the waters below.
God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
(Note the Egyptian Ankh in his right hand, symbolizing the SUN setting over the horizon, and the light-ORB in his left hand representing the MOON. The four goats heads symbolize ARIES, which is a constellation made up of STARS. Note the ANKH is just above the mountains in the background)


And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
(Note the two acolytes at the bottom of the card. These two represent the fish and fowl.)

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 

Since you had the patience to read so far, this is where you get rewarded. This is stuff you won't find anywhere, not unless you look really really HARD.

Here you go: 
The 7 Day Creation myth is FICTION. In reality, it didn't work that way. What the 7 Day Creation myth really is, is secret code for the 7 Principles of HERMETICISM. This is Hermetic Qabalistic Magick, DISGUISING its CORE PRINCIPLES under the guise of a creationary myth. So while the masses are digging into Genesis and imagining God resting on the 7th day, the adepts and practitioners of the magick were strengthening themselves in each principle that would help in MANIFESTATION into REALITY.

Let's take a look at the 7 HERMETIC PRINCIPLES : 

The Hermetic principles are universal principles & doctrines.
Hermetic wisdom considers life as existing on three planes of existence: the PHYSICAL, the MENTAL & the SPIRITUAL. Each plane of existence is intimately related to its own VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY.  Mastering Hermetic Qabalistic Magick gives one mastery over life on Earth. 

“The  Principles  of  Truth  are  Seven;  he  who  knows  these, 
understandingly,..... possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”
— The Kybalion.

Download The KYBALION 1908 pdf
Link to Download The KYBALION 1908 pdf

The  Seven  Hermetic  Principles,  upon  which  the  entire 
Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:

I. The Principle of Mentalism.
II. The Principle of Correspondence.
III. The Principle of Vibration.
IV. The Principle of Polarity.
V. The Principle of Rhythm.
VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect.
VII. The Principle of Gender.

If we were to assign a specific Tarot card for each of the 7 principles it would look like this:  
(Note the position of card #6 and card #7 are interchanged. Guess they did that for convenience of telling the creation myth):







Now that we know the meaning of the seven Tarot cards, let's be clear that this is just scratching the surface. Whatever we saw above is just an introduction to the deep Hermetic magick. This stuff requires a lifetime dedication to master. The practical part is implementing this magick into reality. This usually requires rituals. 
The visual representation of the card into reality, like they did on 911 is only part of it. 
This magick creates their reality. It makes life swing according to the wishes of the Zionists. Or the Devil if He wishes it so and his adherents process the magick into reality. 
Let's take a look at another card. I had posted this meme on my Facebook. Were you able to decipher it?

Okay, so here it is:
The Moon card is shown above in two different decks. One is the Rider-Waite Tarot, the other at bottom right is the Samiramay deck. The latter is a recent creation post the 911 events. But it still shows that the artist had a reason for placing the tightrope walker in between the towers. 

Explanation of the MOON CARD (XVIII)
(From: )
" The Moon is one of the most mysterious Tarot cards. Since Tarot’s origins are to be found in the Middle Ages and the Moon speaks of feminine powers and energy, it’s easy to understand why this card is often associated with BLACK MAGIC. Because feminine energy and UNDERWATER MYSTERIES were considered BLACK MAGIC & EVIL in the Middle Ages, the Moon still carries today certain inherent darkness.

But it all goes way deeper than that. It is one of the richest cards in the deck. The Moon is the card of the Yin, feminine energy, of attraction and magnetism. It speaks of the things that CANNOT BE SEEN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT; it’s everything that happens BELOW THE SURFACE. The crab in the water not only represents the card’s main star sign (Cancer) but also the important work that happens BELOW THE SURFACE & IN DARKNESS. The dogs, just like the towers, watch over the territory surrounding the lake. They keep the moon at bay so her magnetic powers don’t disrupt the waters too much. The tamed and the wild come together at night to re-establish a connection between our primal and social self."
(Mine: The dogs are guarding the black magic that is happening below the surface. This would in real life mean demonic protection.)
The MOON card, therefore, is telling us of below the surface DEEP BLACK MAGICK, in this case, Hermetic Qabalistic Magick being used for DARK purposes. The card is telling you that the magick is hidden, and lies below the surface where your eyes cannot see them. This black magick is being guarded by demonic forces which are protecting the ritual and its effects. 
This card, appearing as it does with 911 WTC event connections, is not a good omen as far as humanity is concerned. Consider it like a big red cockpit light that flashes <<DANGER>> constantly. 
It represents powerful black magic being unleashed on unprepared & an unaware humanity.

The MOON CARD XVIII also shows, in the recent Samiramay deck version, a tightrope walker in between the two towers. We saw this in the movie THE WALK  (2015)
A tightrope walker stands for risk, balance, danger, courage, practice, and falling. Why would they put a tightrope walker in the card? Here's why: The MOON represent HERMES. This is an allegory to the HERMETIC MAGICK. HERMES represents MERCURY, THOTH.
Mercury is represented in statues on a globe, wearing winged shoes or having winged legs. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods. 

If this were not a representation of an ancient Roman version of HERMES, you would see a man standing on a BALL. Standing or balancing on a BALL is how novices of ROPE-WALKING get trained. You stand and balance on a ball, usually on a body of water and from there you progress on to balancing on a rope. 
So this is the reason they put a rope walker in there. 
But the main message of the rope-walker is this: It takes a long long time to perfect rope walking. Decades sometimes. 
The rope walker is there to tell us that this particular ritual took a looooong looooong time to perfect. Meaning: the bringing down of the twin towers WTC, took many years to perfect. Think decades. Think 30 years!! 
AND as we have seen in my earlier post, the towers were HOLLOW!
Below image from :

Rope walking novices walking on a barrel. 
Mercury shown standing on a globe ball.

The whole thing is a representation of HERMES or Hermetic Qabalistic magick.
The Moon card, among other things, shows the creation of a portal (Stargate) between the towers. 
The 911 Hermetic Magick event ritual changed our reality, and among other things opened up a portal in time and space. This portal is not for the good in life but a portal to the deeply DEMONIC.

The Moon card from the oldest Tarot deck in the world, the Visconti-Sforza deck. Note the rope in her hand and the tower at bottom right:

Occult magick is not made up of text alone. It consists of most things that comprise life; materials, elements, sounds, patterns, images, words. This is the metaphysical aspect of life. The fourth and fifth dimensions of awareness. 
The language of magick itself is different from your normal communication. It is more similar to the language of dreams. Dreaming is the language of the sub-conscious. Magick, therefore, consists of this sub-conscious language combined with other elements, rituals, etc. Practitioners of Hermetic Qabalistic Magick are adepts at magick rituals. 
The PHILOSOPHERS STONE is exactly what it says it is. It is NOT A MATERIAL OBJECT. It is a STONE made up of PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS & rules. The philosophers stone is in reality, Hermetic Qabalistic knowledge.

So, to answer our three questions we put to ourselves in the beginning of this post: 
1. Why did the Jesuits base the 911 events on the Tarot cards?
Ans: The Tarot cards are Hermetic Qabalistic Magick. They are visual pegs of various aspects of this Hermetic magick. All rituals and dark events use Tarot cards in accordance with Hermetic wisdom.

2. What is the connection?
Ans: The connection is to DEEP HERMETIC MAGICK, used for DARK EVIL purposes while keeping humanity in the dark as to the reality of our living environment.

3. How ancient is it?
Ans: Tarot cards, Freemasonry, are inherent aspects of Hermetic Qabalistic Magick, and they date back to the Egyptian & Sumerian civilizations. And even much earlier perhaps, to the misty times before recorded history. Because Hermetic wisdom is what Life is about. It is what is, the nature of our physical, mental and spiritual reality. As such it is not evil, except that it can be used for both GOOD or the deeply EVIL. 

We mentioned above how the 7 day Creation story is a cover for the 7 Hermetic Principles. This Genesis story is a code for the real Hermetic magick. And it is not just the Genesis story that is code. The ENTIRE Bible is code for Hermetic Qabalistic Magick. 
While ardent worshippers sing the praises of a mystical messianic Jesus Christ, what is real is the hidden wisdom of the ages. This does not augur well for humanity. The purpose of all scripture and religion is to confuse human spirituality and keep you perpetually awaiting external help in the form of a Messiah. While you do this, they and their families live in the real world, where they know that they are creators of their own life. Combine this with 13 years of schooling, working all your life for fake paper money, false values, junk food, and a junked up lifestyle, they keep their enemy in a constant WEAK state of living, while they strengthen their lives.

13 Years of SCHOOLING along with a fake RELIGION turns you into a "BOLLOCKIAN MUPPET". ( I coined that term myself, and it describes humanity today amply well. )

While I am not an ADEPT in the Hermetic Qabalistic Magick system, nor will I be able to learn it in this my lifetime, I urge people to look into this system of Hermetic mysticism, break the codes of their black evil magick, and hopefully future generations will be able to destroy the negative effects of these rituals and set humanity straight again, on the road to everlasting peace, happiness & positive growth.

Wishing you the best.
Love & Peace

LINKS to more material on the subject:

The Royal Road : The Real Origins of the Tarot!

3 Reasons the Tarot is actually ancient Egyptian

Ancient Egyptian Tarot 

Daniel Martins
The Bembine Tablet

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